full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Peachy Liv: How to protect your mental well-being online -- from a Gen-Zer

Unscramble the Blue Letters

But let's be clear, we can't ardedss the hardships of siaocl media, especially things like cyberbullying, with individual resilience alone. Because wwdlroide, more than one-third of young people have reported experiencing cyberbullying online. And so the other thing we must do is treat each other better in social media and online cmunmeioits in general. After all, I've been aetactkd, criticized and hraessad even when I posted things out of good intentions. In some cases, I've received some very eemrxte and disturbing messages. Being bullied online feels especially humiliating because of the scale: more people attacking you online than you even know in real life. And this happens to everyone in some way online, not just to people with big followings.

Open Cloze

But let's be clear, we can't _______ the hardships of ______ media, especially things like cyberbullying, with individual resilience alone. Because _________, more than one-third of young people have reported experiencing cyberbullying online. And so the other thing we must do is treat each other better in social media and online ___________ in general. After all, I've been ________, criticized and ________ even when I posted things out of good intentions. In some cases, I've received some very _______ and disturbing messages. Being bullied online feels especially humiliating because of the scale: more people attacking you online than you even know in real life. And this happens to everyone in some way online, not just to people with big followings.


  1. worldwide
  2. social
  3. communities
  4. harassed
  5. extreme
  6. attacked
  7. address

Original Text

But let's be clear, we can't address the hardships of social media, especially things like cyberbullying, with individual resilience alone. Because worldwide, more than one-third of young people have reported experiencing cyberbullying online. And so the other thing we must do is treat each other better in social media and online communities in general. After all, I've been attacked, criticized and harassed even when I posted things out of good intentions. In some cases, I've received some very extreme and disturbing messages. Being bullied online feels especially humiliating because of the scale: more people attacking you online than you even know in real life. And this happens to everyone in some way online, not just to people with big followings.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
young people 7
social media 5
bullied online 2
mental health 2
motivations depend 2
intrinsic motivations 2

Important Words

  1. address
  2. attacked
  3. attacking
  4. big
  5. bullied
  6. cases
  7. clear
  8. communities
  9. criticized
  10. cyberbullying
  11. disturbing
  12. experiencing
  13. extreme
  14. feels
  15. followings
  16. general
  17. good
  18. harassed
  19. hardships
  20. humiliating
  21. individual
  22. intentions
  23. life
  24. media
  25. messages
  26. online
  27. people
  28. posted
  29. real
  30. received
  31. reported
  32. resilience
  33. social
  34. treat
  35. worldwide
  36. young